Some key points in today’s passage:
- The idea of “sacrifice” is still very much an important aspect of our Christian faith;
- Our entire person—body and soul—is our personal share in the daily sacrifice of the Body of Christ; “what we do in the body” daily, as St. Paul say elsewhere, is how we “suffer with Christ”; (Col 1:24; Rom 8:17; Phil 1:29);
- This requires a transformed state of mind, living out the Our Father;
- This requires living out the Beatitudes: detachment from world, sin, self (verse 12:3);
- Will there be entry into heaven for a person who has committed a mortal sin without going to confession? This person believes he only has to confess this grievous sin to God. Jay ____
- Dear Marcus Grodi, can you respond to my intellectual dilemma. It deals with the justice of God. What do you consider a more radical punishment: hanging or spending eternal in hellfire? If you say spending eternity in Hellfire, than consider any of your friends or family who are not practicing Christians: giving their lives do any of them deserve hanging? If not, than how can we justify God condemning them to eternal Hellfire? Thanks, Fred
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