The Verses I Never Saw
One of the more commonly shared experiences of Protestant converts to the Catholic Church is the discovery of verses “we never saw.” Even after years of studying, preaching, and teaching the Bible,...
View ArticleThe Illogical Logic of Sola Scriptura
There is a television commercial, selling a certain satellite service, that uses a tongue-in-cheek form of illogical chain logic. The writers presume that we understand not to take their logic...
View ArticleA Lenten Journey
The holy season of Lent is underway. Lent: that 40 day period (excluding Sundays) leading up to the celebration of Christ’s victory over sin and death. Traditionally these 40 days are a time when holy...
View ArticleVerses I Never Saw: “There But for the Grace of God Go I”
This well-known proverbial saying is how I must begin as I consider sharing the Scriptures that God has used to open my very hard heart and stubborn mind. Whenever I see someone lost in sin, ignorance,...
View ArticleVerses I Never Saw: Baptism, Mark 16:16
My Deaf, Dumb, and Blind Years He who believes and is baptized will be saved. It wasn’t until I was a cognitive seven years old that the soul-altering waters of baptism were sprinkled on my...
View ArticleSt. Augustine and Sola Scriptura
St. Augustine of Hippo (ad 354-430) ranks not only among the greatest Fathers and Doctors of the Church but also as the preeminent Father whose influence on western history has been unparalleled. It...
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